Have you ever wondered what types of questions people “Ask a TRI Expert“? This series, brought to you by the Tile Roofing Institute, allows anyone to ask anything about tile roofing installation, maintenance, etc. The Tile Roofing Institute (TRI) is a non-profit association of producers and associates of concrete and clay tile and is considered one of the leading experts in the industry. Here’s a recent question from a home inspector, and the response from TRI President and Technical Director, Rick Olson.
A recent “Ask the Tile Roofing Expert” response by TRI President and Technical Director, Rick Olson, addressing concerns about tile loaded, but not installed.
“We have a buyer concerned about the time which the tile roof is loaded but not yet distributed. Is there a guideline? We don’t install the tile until the stucco and fascia paint is done…”
From the tile standpoint, there is no time table for when they are installed. As we all know, tiles are strong and resilient and last a lifetime.
The possible issue with delayed installation is the length of time that the underlayment might be exposed to the UV rays. We always recommend that you check the underlayment instructions to see how long the material can be exposed prior to covering. In areas like Arizona, some of the lower end materials and some of the synthetics have a very short exposure time. In other areas, they may last longer. With so many different types in the market, we stress individual manufacturer standards.
If you have any installation or other tile questions, the Tile Roofing Institute’s website, www.tileroofing.org, is a wealth of information. You can also find out when and where their next installation certification course will be held and contact them to request your own training.
As always, please feel free to contact your local Eagle Account Rep. with questions or visit our website at www.eagleroofing.eagl.staging.findsomewinmore.com.