Have you ever wondered what types of questions people “Ask a TRI Expert?” This series, brought to you by the Tile Roofing Institute, allows anyone to ask anything about tile roofing installation, maintenance, etc. The Tile Roofing Institute (TRI) is a non-profit association of producers and associates of concrete and clay tile and is considered one of the leading experts in the industry. Here’s a recent question from a roofer repairing a concrete tile roof, and the response from TRI President and Technical Director, Rick Olson.
“On a re-roofing project, if the underlayment is not deteriorated or buckled can you go over it with new underlayment?”
“A good question. Without seeing the roof, it is hard to know the actual condition of the underlayment. As the secondary barrier for water shedding, care needs to be taken to make sure that the underlayment is in good shape prior to re-installing tile over it. The reason is that the tiles will last longer than the house, but the long-term performance of the secondary barrier will determine the life cycle of the roofing assembly.
If you are re-roofing and already have the tiles removed, it is the time to replace, since there are minimal costs to remove and replace. If the roof underlayment is relatively new and appears to be OK, then yes, it is allowed by most code jurisdictions to install an additional layer. If there were problems and you add that layer, you are just covering a potential future issue.”
If you have any questions regarding concrete tile or installation, the Tile Roofing Institute’s website, www.tileroofing.org, is a great resource. TRI also offers installation certification courses throughout the United States, so be sure to check their course schedule to register for one in your area!
Please feel free to contact your local Eagle Account Representative with questions or visit our website at www.eagleroofing.eagl.staging.findsomewinmore.com.