Now that Hurricane season has officially arrived, it is time to prepare your checklist and secure your home. From June 1st through November 30th, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts another above-average season, meaning it’s particularly important to strategically batten down the hatches and carefully take cover. Here are a few tips to ensure your tile roof and home are protected this year.
The first step in taking precaution is to inspect your home or commercial property for anything that could cause potential damage down the line. Utilizing a top-down approach, check your attic space for signs of water penetration or mold forming, and then transition to the ceilings and walls of your home. You should also walk the exterior looking for signs of moss, growth, obstruction or deterioration. It is recommended to hire a licensed and insured professional, such as a roofer or general contractor, to perform the inspection. That way, he or she may assess the roof and identify any installation problems, cracks in the flashings or water stains on the roof deck. This is also a great opportunity to get your gutters cleaned and/ or replace missing or broken tile. Fastening the crown of your home will provide both safety and security for the toughest of storms.
Yard Work
The next preventative step in safeguarding your house would be to perform the necessary yard work. Start by examining your trees and shrubbery for dead or overgrown limbs and roots. Decaying branches often are more likely to fall in heavy winds, so it is recommended to trim them or have them removed. Another tip for cautionary cleanup would be to secure any items that may cause damage in the yard, such as lawn furniture, potted plants, treehouses and garbage bins. In order to steer clear of your yard décor items becoming projectiles, have a plan in place to either put them in the garage or inside the home. The last thing you want is debris flying around and causing even more mass destruction.
Gather Supplies
Before stores are wiped clean of crucial items, your best bet would be to stock up on the essential supplies required to guarantee the welfare of both your family and home. Eagle’s concrete tile roofs can withstand up to 180mph high-speed winds, however it doesn’t hurt to head to your local Home Depot or Lowe’s and purchase components needed to board up doors, windows or any other openings. This is also a great time to stock up on anything else that may be on your hurricane checklist.
By following these precautionary measures, you are sure to mitigate damage to both your roof and home. Remember, the most important thing this hurricane season is to stay safe.
For more information regarding concrete tile roofs and Eagle Roofing Products, visit To find a roofer or contractor to assist your roofing needs, check out the Tile Roofing Industry Alliance to locate the professional nearest you.